Thursday 12 March 2015

Jeffrey - The Lord Archer of Weston-super -Mare

Jeffrey – The Lord Archer of Weston-super -Mare



Jeffrey Archer, the famous British author and former politician found promoting his latest work  ”Mightier than the Sword” in Mumbai Metropolis’ Kemps Corner, Crossword Book Store on Monday, the 2nd March, 2015 as a  part of his Indian visit.  I was one of those lucky audience present there to greet Jeffrey Archer and listen to his life’s doctrine.  Archer maintains that he is not a writer but a story teller.

There isn’t a better story teller alive “- says Larry King about Jeffrey Archer.

When asked who can become a writer by his fans, Jeffrey Archer said any well-read person can become a writer.  The audience took by surprise by his wits and life’s doctrine.  Archer asked the elite and intellectual gathering that - Are there any Americans in the crowd  and after sighting them he said  “Americans, we love you.”

Jeffrey Archer seems to be a Cricket enthusiast and commented on the ongoing World Cup Cricket Championship. 

When asked by one of his fans how he gets inspiration to write books, Archer replied that the inspiration is spontaneous and he is blessed with inspiration every day.

The master story teller Jeffrey Archer is a critically acclaimed bestselling author in the world.

His family lived in Weston-super-Mare, Somerset, a county in South West England and he spent major part of his life there.  Jeffrey Archer aged 74 years now lives in Britain with his wife Mary and sons William and James.  His books have sold at least 250 million copies worldwide. 

He is a novelist, short story writer and a playwright.

Jeffrey Archer was a Member of Parliament from Lincolnshire during 8 December 1969 – 10 October, 1974. 
After getting his fingers burnt in politics, he turned a full time author.
His famous works –

Kane and Abel
Shall We Tell The President
Prodigal Daughter
Not a Penny more, Not a Penny Less
First Among Equals
A Matter of Honour
As the Crow Flies
Honour Among Thieves
The Fourth Estate
The Eleventh Commandment
Sons of Fortune
False Impression
Gospel According to Judas
A Prisoner of Birth
Paths of Glory


Beyond Reasonable Doubt
The Accused

Short stories/Collections
A Quiver full of Arrows
A Twist in the Tale
Fools, Knaves, and Heroes – The great political short stories Editor, Introduction
Twelve Red Herrings
The collected short stories
To Cut a Long Story Short
Cat O’Nine Tales
And Thereby Hangs a Tale
The new collected short stories

Prison Diaries
Hell - Belmarsh
Purgatory- Wayland
Heaven – North Sea Camp

Clifton Chronicles
Only Time will tell
The Sins of the Father
Best Kept Secret
Be Careful What You Wish For
Mightier Than the Sword

Many of his works were made as Hollywood motion pictures and became block-busters.

His books were adapted for TV shows.

Jeffrey Archer ranks in the top ten story tellers in the world.” -  Los Angeles Times.

A well-read person that I am, I used to recommend his book “Kane and Abel” to others for a good great read.  I used to refresh my recycle bin and read umpteen number of times this international #1 best seller  “Kane and Abel” across the years.

The Kane and Abel, first published in 1979 was read by me with great enthusiasm, thrills and intrigue.  I had thoroughly enjoyed this Novel and loved both Kane and Abel.  Kane and Abel was the first Jeffrey Archer book that I have read.  

Subsequently, I have read many of his other books.

The biblical resemblance of Kane and Abel.

Cain and Abel – The Book of Genesis 4:1-16.

Cain, the first son of Adam and Eve and Abel the younger brother of Cain.  Cain was a prosperous farmer and Abel a shepherd.  Cain brought the best of his harvest and burnt it as an offering to God and Abel brought the best part of a lamb born to his sheep and presented the same to God as an offering.  The God liked the offering made by Abel and accepted it and seeing that Cain becomes furious.  The beginning of jealousy started in human race there.  An enraged Cain asked Abel to come to the open fields and an unsuspecting Abel obeyed his elder brother.  Cain kills Abel with a stone in the fields.  The first blood-shed in the Garden of Eden and the inception of “sibling rivalry”.

In Jeffrey Archer’s book, Kane and Abel both born on the same day and thus can be described as siblings, in different parts of the world.  The book of Jeffrey Archer narrates this great story of “sibling rivalry” (though they are not DNA brothers).  The legendary story teller in his inimitable style grips you with riveting read from first page to the last.  The novel was first published in 1979.  Millions of copies were printed over the years and it remains till date one of the top ranking novel that I have ever read in my life.

I would like to suggest to my audiences that this novel is a must read.  This book is a modern classic.  Kane and Abel is a master piece.  The story line is so meticulously crafted.

The Jeffrey Archer’s story of Kane and Abel is that of two children born on the same day, one the son of a millionaire and other a Polish immigrant finding his way in America.  The two characters are unforgettable in your life.   Both men are brought together by fate and quest of a dream.  These two men ambitious, powerful and ruthless are locked in a relentless struggle to build an empire fueled by their all consuming hatred for each other.  Over 60 years and three generations, through war, marriage, fortune, and disaster Kane and Abel battles for success and triumph that only one man can have.  Although the story was a bit sad about William Kane as he got fired from his own bank and could not see his grandchildren. But Abel, the struggles he faced and at last made his way up in life and finally took his revenge on William seems to be the real hero due to his lone battle in adversity.

In fact, you end up liking both characters despite them conflicting with each other. The ending is remarkable.  It is so engrossing that you can actually imagine and visualize what they experienced both physically and emotionally.

Kane and Abel is undoubtedly one of the best of Jeffrey Archer.  Jeffrey Archer is a true genius when it comes to storytelling.

If there is a Nobel Prize for story telling, then Jeffrey Archer deserves it more than anybody else. 


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